
Ready for consistent and peaceful $10k-$12k months in business?

Scale to $ix is The business accelerator for entrepreneurs ready for big numbers, big growth, and big support. 

This accelerator is not your average business growth space. This is the space you join because you know that you’re uninterested in the old paradigm of business, and you are here to be the catalyst for a new reality. 

Do you know what’s possible for you?

Truly, do you know in your bones what is possible for you and your business beyond what you’ve been taught about business?

i thought I did.

I have been working with Danielle in Scale to $ix for the last year. I started my business as an intuitive energetic healer & medium in March 2023 and obviously Danielle is the perfect choice when it comes to business coaching due to her combination of “woo woo” (energetics/ human design/ astrology) & business savvy. I wouldn’t know what I know now about myself without her. She truly helped me not only build my business but remember who I am and what I’m DESIGNED for. With D’s help, I’ve scaled my business to 10k months. I am endlessly grateful for her guidance over the last year & I can not wait for what’s to come. If you are looking for a coach who will not only help get you to your desired income goal but also remind you of who YOU are designed to be, your search is over. Join scale to $ix. 

"With D’s help, I’ve scaled my business to $10k months." 

-Mikaela Filar

I knew I wanted it to be a big deal... I wanted to serve thousands of people and create spaces where myself and others could be seen, understood, and valued, but more importantly - I wanted to create spaces where the standard was seeing yourself. But I was burned out. I felt like launching the business was stressful enough, and now scaling it felt like an impossible undertaking. A lot of the support being offered was 100% strategy without any looking into the patterns that got me to the burnout in the first place. 

So I decided to do it differently. I knew I wanted a feminine AF business that felt easy and expansive without the fear of the other shoe falling because I was still so addicted to validation that I made all my decisions from that place instead from neutrality.  

When I launched my business, I did all the things. I hustled. I grinded. I craved growth.

My biggest issue with most things has always been the fact that no one wants to go deeper than surface level. Everyone wants to put bandaids on it, and hope that it sticks. 

SURPRISE - it doesn't. Not long term.

We are not “doing it like this for now” and attempting to change it all later. 

We are not building business systems from a place of fear or desperation.

We are definitely not building a business that perpetuates the addiction to external validation that we were taught when we were young...

Because you know what we aren’t going to do?

So this accelerator is different.

You don't have the capacity for that.

say less, i'm in

I want you to ask yourself:

What would change for me today if I finally invested BIG in not just my business, but myself? 

What would happen if I finally got real with the patterns I have today that prevent the quantum leaps I know are available to me, and decided to end them; here and now?  

Who would I be without the stories? “I can’t do that”, “I don’t need all of those shiny things”, “I need to wait until I know more”, “business is hard”, “what if I let people down?” “I’m too all over the place to scale a business”.  

How different could things be if I made the choice to keep going regardless of whether my business is up or down or feeling like it’s going completely sideways? 

What would it feel like to be willing to take one giant step into the next level of my business? Of my life? 

Who would I be if I stopped making business decisions based on who was clapping for me, and actually just built the business that made my entire body feel electric?

What would be possible for me if I believed $10,000 is easy to make, and easy to spend?

Your answers to these questions matter.

 That version of you and your business isn’t far away. It’s already here. 

And the Scale to $ix Accelerator will help you turn those answers into lived reality. 

The only reason it hasn’t happened yet is because you've been trying to scale to $10k months from the foundation of the old beliefs. 

Everyone’s evolution is different, but we all start on the same path: a journey to six-figures and beyond. The beyond is key, because while six figures per year is amazing, it’s just the beginning. I want you to reach 6 figures per month. Because that’s where I think you can go. And that is exactly what I am going to support you with inside this new and improved space. Making decisions and building now what will support you a year from now. 

The Scale to $ix accelerator is the fast track to $10K months, the formulas for getting more clients without burnout, the masculine systems that will support the feminine business you desire, and all the witchy magic you need to scale your business around the life that lights you up.

Scale to $ix is a space by entrepreneurs, for entrepreneurs.
Entrepreneurs like you who are ready to focus on one thing:

Your evolution to 6- figures without it burning you into the ground. 

this could be you

sign me up

Inside Scale to $ix you can expect a ton of personalized accountability and support, including: 

Weekly Slack support sales page, copy,  social media audits, and networking

monthly skills training with everything you’ll need for scaling to 6-figures

2-3 Monthly Hot Seat group Coaching & Q&A’s with Danielle

Human Design centered support for aligned branding

on-demand library of all training calls and access to all masterclasses offered

1 yearly retreat in austin, tx with accelerator members

Accountability and check-ins from accelerator members

Social Media, Copy, Ops support from support coaches Coming soon

The Scale to $ix Retreat

a yearly in person meetup in austin, texas

face-to-face, heart-to-heart

if there’s anything we’ve all learned since 2020, it’s that there’s nothing like hugging an actual neck, in person. I love, and I’m so grateful for zoom just as much as the next person… But there really is nothing like connecting with people, face-to-face, heart-to-heart. Once a year, in late winter/early spring, we meet up in Austin, Texas, and make some serious magic. Strategic business support, energetic, healing sessions, yoga, dinner, and so many pictures. This is my favorite part of Scale to $ix, because it’s one thing to see people on zoom every week, and, nothing compares to the feeling of seeing your new friends in the flesh. Humans are meant to be with other humans- Scale to $ix does that in so many ways. This retreat is available to those who are current members at the time of the retreat, so if you’re deciding between the 6-month and 12-month options, this might help with that decision. 

business support
energetic healing
restorative yoga
yummy food
face to face
heart to heart

- Cheyenne Williams

There is truly nothing like having your mentor devote their entire day and full energy on you and you alone. Having her there 1:1 to dive deep into my business and ME was an invaluable experience. It truly set me up for success. Not only was this day about my business but it was also deep 1:1 conversations about life, healing, and growing. I walked away from that day with a clearer vision of myself and my business. 

"I walked away [with] a clearer vision of myself and my business."

- alex franke

I started out with D in 1:1 mentorship & it was great but I really wanted to connect with other women that were starting business. So I transitioned into Scale to $ix and it was the best decision I ever made. Not only did I have the community and support of other women that were working toward building a legacy just like me, l also had 1:1 support from D during the coaching calls and private sessions. The rapid growth in my business & in my personal life was due to the amount of support I received from my peers, special guest trainers, & D in S2$. It’s a bonus that some of my best friends today, I met in S2$.

"Community and support of other women that were working toward building a legacy just like me."

- Cass Duncan

Nothing is more potent than in person connection. Sharing your truth sometimes means going against societal norms. The human connection between us. It’s one thing connecting via Voxer or Zoom but being able to hug and love someone in real life is a different energy.

"Nothing is more potent than in person connection. - being able to hug and love someone in real life is [different]."

I used to have no concept of what was possible in the digital world of entrepreneurship. I knew that I wanted to build an incredible business, and I thought 300k a year would be insane (and it is).

Then, I joined a space where the average income was 100k PER MONTH and I expanded in that exact moment. 

Since then I’ve reached a whole new level in business, and that is in large part because of that expansion. 

What field are you playing on? Where is your belief? 

This accelerator is that space where your belief expands. A space where you EVOLVE. And ultimately - what you will get paid for is your evolution. 

When you intentionally put yourself in a space where big brags, and big numbers are the norm, you no longer feel incapable of it. 

When you intentionally put yourself in spaces where honest conversations about fears and hesitations are the norm, you no longer get paralyzed by those triggers. 

Because I promise — you can go bigger

here's the vibe in Scale to $ix:



and we play in the frequency of expansion and money. 

It’s time you take your brand as seriously as you know you can, and expand your capacity for more. Scale to $ix is where we make it happen and where you align with $10k-$12k consistent months.

i'm ready to expand

I am trained in Human Design, Trauma Healing, Astrology, Reiki, Meditation, and Wealth Energetics. When I launched Danielle on the Daily in 2019, I grew it to a 6 figure brand in 6 months, and have not made less than $30,000 per month since 2020. This year we will do over 1 million dollars cash, because I eat my blindspots for breakfast and because I am a Scorpio Rising, Mars, and Pluto, transformation is the name of my game. My business strategy is feminine AF and supported so well by the most solid masculine structure.

Hey, I’m Danielle McCleerey, your quantum coach.

 I am the intersection of healing, and the cosmos, and more than anyone you’ve ever hired, help you leave the matrix of what's "normal".. My zone of genius is self awareness, embodying freedom, and drawing parallels for you to release everything in the way of you and everything you desire.. and yes, I bring all of that and more to Scale to $ix!

What I am really interested in is you living a life that turns you on and having a business that is a full body yes. 

No! Anyone can join us inside, as long as you currently have a business and are scaling to $10-$12k months. 

Do I have to apply? 

When you join Scale to $ix, you can choose between a 6- or 12-month commitment. 

Is there a time commitment? 

It’s $4000/$8000 pay in full or $700 per month. 

How much is Scale to $ix? 

If this is resonating with you, that’s a pretty good sign! 
  • If you’re a digital business owner
  • Are interested in Astrology/ Human Design
  • Are scaling to $10-$12k months
  • Know and love that a feminine business is supported by the masculine
  • Love to be in community with others
  • Feel like you need a solid plan and skills
  • Are ready for your business to blow up while you maintain a calm central nervous system 

How do I know this is for me? 

Stay Tuned- a new container for entrepreneurs scaling to 7 figures is coming. I also have private coaching available. You can apply for that whenever.

What if I want more support?